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Gothic Fantasy

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A Dying Planet Short Stories

Resources running low, the population exploding, the planet is in danger: are we masters of our own destruction, or have we been invaded by aliens bent on mass extinction? Is this a pattern across the universe, or just our small sector of cosmic life? This new title features stories exploring the themes of a dying plane by new and classic authors.
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Aeneid, The Epic Tale Complete

A beautiful new edition in the Flame Tree Collection of classic, epic tales. Virgil's masterpiece, one of the greatest works in Western literature, was written in Latin, between 29 and 19 BCE, recalling events after the Fall of Troy over 1200 years before, as told in the famous Homeric epics of Greek literature the Iliad and the Odyssey.
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African Ghost Short Stories

A deluxe edition of new writing and tales rooted in ancient culture, this volume explores the deep-seated supernatural element in African storytelling: from the spirits and ancestors of folklore to the vibrantly modern ghosts of today's horror. New and contemporary stories from African voices complement poignant folktales from around the continent.

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African Myths & Tales

Africa south of the Sahara possesses a rich body of folk tales and legends passed down over hundreds of years, often sharing similar elements. This collectable hardback offers a hefty selection of stories – of the gods, origins, trickster exploits, animal fables and more – from the Yoruba people of west Africa to the San people of southern Africa.

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Afrofuturism Short Stories

The National Museum of African American History and Culture defines Afrofuturism as exploring Black identity, agency, and freedom through art, activism, and visions of liberated futures. This new anthology expands on the success of Black Sci-Fi (2021) with fresh stories from open submissions and by invitation.

Available from 14 Oct 2025

Agents & Spies Short Stories

Daring tales of kidnap and rescue, assassination and revenge, the politics of death and espionage, these are the themes of this latest volatile concoction of classic and new writing. The days of empire and traditional war have been replaced by cyber warfare but the subtle, lethal methods of agents and spies remain the same.
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Algernon Blackwood Horror Stories

Blackwood, alongside M.R. James, is one of the pillars of the modern horror story. With an eye for a chilling detail he leaves the reader always casting nervously behind. Blackwood wrote story after story of haunted places and long dark shadows, many of which feature in this stunning collection, including A Haunted Island, The Willows and more.
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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

A collector’s edition of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass, with letters, poems and a biography of their creator, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Featuring over 100 black and white illustrations by Arthur Rackham, Sir John Tenniel, Henry Holiday and Arthur B. Frost.

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Alien Invasion Short Stories

Visitors from other planets have long obsessed us. H.G. Wells’ War of Worlds spawned a huge wave of speculative fiction but the roots of such fears run deep in our literature, from Voltaire to Thomas Hardy. Flame Tree’s successful Gothic Fantasy series brings a brilliant new mix of classic and new writing, in this beautiful edition.

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Alternate History Short Stories

What if the Ancient Egyptians had conquered Rome? What if World War II had been won by the loser, not the victors? What if women had ruled the world for 4000 years not men? There are so many 'what if?' questions to fuel this imaginative collection created from open submissions and classic tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, H.G. Wells and more.

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American Gothic Short Stories

Handsome young men who never grow old, the strangest of relatives appearing from dark corridors and long shadows: this new anthology in our successful Gothic Fantasy anthology series takes the fertile theme of American Gothic fiction as its subject matter.
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Arthur Machen Horror Stories

Alongside M.R. James, H.P. Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood and Bram Stoker, Arthur Machen wrote powerful, chilling and thought-provokling stories. His supernatural tales draw their power from the long nights and dark lanes of the Welsh countryside that raised him surrounded as he was by the remains of Roman forts and Iron Age archeology.
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Asian Ghost Short Stories

A new collection of stories from submissions and classic literature offering the best and most incredible ghost stories from across the whole of Asia, combining new and classic authors across the entire region.
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Aztec Myths & Tales

This collection of classic texts explores the history, gods, calendars and tales of the Aztecs, as well as other Mesoamerican cultures such as the Maya, plus the Incas in Peru. Such myths explained life and death by linking them to the earth, sky and sea in a grand cosmic scheme, from the war god Huitzilopochtli to the supreme deity Tezcatlipoca.
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Babylon & Sumer Myths & Tales

A fascinating collection, from classic sources, of epic tales from one of the earliest civilizations. Undiscovered until 200 years ago, the stories, hymns and ancient King lists of Sumer and Babylon, reveal a rich culture of city states, each with their own gods, and tales of floods and the division between earth, the heavens and the Netherworld.
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Beasts & Creatures Myths & Tales

Mythological beasts and creatures come in every shape and size, sometimes good, sometimes evil, but often indifferent to the needs of humankind. A beautiful new collection of tales from many different traditions: Norse to Celtic, Greek to Indian, Japanese to Egyptian.
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Black Sci-Fi Short Stories

New stories from modern black writers, many published here for the first time, explore the themes of science fiction: discovery, time-travel, genetics and more. This deluxe edition presents them alongside storytellers of an older generation who evoked the living dystopia of slavery: Martin Delany, Pauline Hopkins, Sutton Griggs and W.E.B. Du Bois.

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Bodies in the Library Short Stories

Following the great success of our Gothic Fantasy deluxe short story compilations, this latest in the series is packed with amateur detectives solving mysterious murders, suspicious butlers and terrifying encounters. This collection contains a fabulous mix of classic and brand new writing, with contemporary authors from the US, Canada, and the UK.
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Bram Stoker Horror Stories

Dublin-born Bram Stoker lived in London, meeting other notable authors such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde. Apart from the ground-breaking Dracula Stoker wrote supernatural horror short stories, many of which, including ‘The Judge’s House’ and ‘Dracula’s Guest’, are featured here with extracts from his longer works.

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Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

Originally published in 1812, the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm are malevolent and dark, and certainly not for the faint-hearted. This book features some of the lesser-known stories alongside favourites like Snow White, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, and Hansel and Gretel.
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Celtic Myths & Tales

The mythic invasions of Ireland, the mystical kingdoms, warriors, giants, creatures of the underworld and magic, these are the fantastic ingredients of Celtic legend. They told their own stories in the ancient way, by word of mouth; we understand the traditions of these proud people through the records of others, but still they thrive today.
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Charles Dickens Supernatural Short Stories

Charles Dickens is a much-loved author for his vast and important contributions to English literature. This collection brings together his supernatural short stories, some of which were included in his longer works, and others that originally featured in magazines, including ‘The Bagman’s Story’ and ‘To Be Read at Dusk,’ among others.

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Chilling Crime Short Stories

A powerful collection of new, modern stories and classic tales reaching back into ancient, medieval and Victorian fiction: from Oedipus Rex and Thomas More's story of the Princes in the Tower to Scheherazade's "The Three Apples" to the crime fiction of Dickens, Poe, Henry James, Baroness Orczy, Wilkie Collins and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
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Chilling Ghost Short Stories

A deluxe edition with a chilling selection of original and classic short stories. The new tales, many of them published here for the first time, bring a modern twist to the outstanding mix of intrigue that lurks in the furtive imagination of E.F. Benson, Henry James, Wilkie Collins, Washington Irving, Edith Wharton, Oscar Wilde and so many more.

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Chilling Horror Short Stories

A deluxe edition of original and classic short stories, packed with monsters, vampires and the weird. Tales of shadows and voices in the dark from the likes of H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Nathaniel Hawthorne and William Hope Hodgson are cast with previously unpublished stories by some of the best writers of horror today.

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Chinese Myths & Tales

Great floods and river Gods, snake spirits, and Immortals, China's unique set of mythological tales are derived from its vast expanse, diverse culture and the endless wars between tribes and dynasties. The result is a rich landscape of humanity, gods and spirits introduced here in this comprehensive book of folk tales and legendary exploits.

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Christmas Gothic Short Stories

The Christmas Gothic Short Story Collection is a seasonal celebration of the dark and moody, the ghastly, the ghostly and the magical Christmas short story. New stories from open submissions join the classic tales of Algernon Blackwood, James Joyce, E.F. Benson, Elizabeth Gaskell and more.

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Compelling Science Fiction Short Stories

Celebrating the enduring spirit of hard science fiction this new anthology is a tribute to Compelling Science Fiction magazine whose publisher Joe Stech is the foreword writer and consulting editor of the stunning new collection of stories from contemporary and classic authors including Otis Kline, Adrian Tchaikovsky and H.G. Wells.

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Cosy Crime Short Stories

Cosy crime fiction is a popular phenomenon, with its safe but intriguing boundaries. This latest addition to the Gothic Fantasy series is packed with armchair detectives, murders in the vicarage, family secrets unravelling in gossipy ears and the ingredients of a genteel bloodbath in an otherwise delightful village.

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Crime & Mystery Short Stories

Following the great success of the very first Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction, this exciting title is packed with detectives, mystery and murder, from classic authors and exciting budding contemporary writers.

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Detective Mysteries Short Stories

Private Eyes with eagle eyes and rare skills, bloodhounds and sleuths, the shadowy arts of the detective have intrigued us since tales of the Pinkerton Detective Agency and Sherlock Holmes. Add some treachery, intimacy, and a little murder to the mix and you'll find a powerful series of dark stories from classic and contemporary writers.
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Detective Thrillers Short Stories

The thrill of the chase, the steely-eyed detective (either gentle or hard-boiled), the dark alleys and the double-cross, the unsolvable crime by a masterful criminal mind: this new title features chills and double twists, unexpected turns and private investigators with an eye for the unusual, from classic and contemporary writers.
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Don Quixote

After a lifetime of reading books on chivalry in his library, Don Quixote embarks on a comedic journey through medieval Spain with his servant Sancho Panza, in a series of clumsy adventures rescuing those even more hopeless than himself. This edition is abridged, to offer a less daunting, more accessible version of the work to the reader.

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Dystopia Utopia Short Stories

Following the great success of the very first Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction, this latest in the series is packed with tales set in bleak and paradisiacal worlds of boundless imagination from classic authors and exciting budding contemporary writers.

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Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories

One of the greatest writers of the gothic fantastic, Poe’s dark, masterful stories inspired a generation of writers. With his macabre twists of fate and fascination with science and invention his work led to the detective stories of Sherlock Holmes, the weird horror of H.P. Lovecraft and the grim, tortured tales of Stephen King.
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Egyptian Myths & Tales

The Egyptian pantheon of gods still holds our fascination today. Through a presentation of classic egyptological works, with a new foreword, this collection offers the stories and incantations of the ancient Egyptians, from the birth of creation by the sun god Ra, the murder of Osiris, and the revenge of Horus, to the underworld and afterlife.
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Endless Apocalypse Short Stories

Stories of the end of civilized life have always fascinated us, from the mythological world endings, Armageddon to Ragnarok, to the flood stories of across the Ancient world. This is the source of zombie literature, the inspiration for this mix of horror classics and brand new writing in the successful Gothic Fantasy series from Flame Tree.
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Epic Fantasy Short Stories

George R.R. Martin drew on Tolkien, who was inspired by Medieval epics and Norse mythology. This collection of epic fantasy tales explores the themes of good vs evil, the low-born hero, and the arrogant overlord, and laces them with a taste of sorcery that reaches back to the early sources, and stirs them in with the brand new storytellers of today
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First Peoples Shared Stories

First peoples in Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. The first migration, the first exploration, the discovery of landscapes without the footprint of humankind. These stories, drawn from submissions from new writers and cast alongside ancient stories and traditions from around the world brings fresh perspectives to the legacy of first nations.

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Footsteps in the Dark Short Stories

Dedicated to that ominous strain of horror that sends a shiver down your spine, this selection of masterful tales gathers the weird and wonderful from a rich tradition of genre writing. This latest anthology in the popular series of Gothic Fantasy collections features classic and contemporary authors.
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George Orwell Visions of Dystopia

Orwell is most well-known for his two famous books Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, but their dystopian vision was informed by observations of poverty and disillusion with political events. The new collection brings together the novels and extracts from his non-fiction, as well as work that influenced him, by Jack London and Yevgeny Zamyatin.

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Gods & Monsters Myths & Tales

Ancient gods and their foes, monsters and demons, make for great adventures. From the Norse Aesir and the pantheon of mighty Greek deities, to the gods of the earth and the sky in Pacific legends most of the great traditions are featured here with monsters galore, from the great wolf Fenrir to the chaos serpent Apep and the Greek Sphinx.
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Greek Myths & Tales

A potent pantheon of gods, heroes engaged in epic battles, fearsome mythical creatures and supernatural transformations – such fantastical elements infuse Greek myths with a wonder and excitement that’s hard to beat. These tales of love, courage and intrigue, shared for thousands of years, still exercise a powerful influence on our modern lives.
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H.G. Wells Short Stories

H.G. Wells, one of the founding fathers of science fiction created a rich universe of short stories, many of which are collected here in this special deluxe edition. The Star, The Time Machine and A Dream of Armageddon are amongst the many gems which make this a fitting companion to the other titles in our bestselling Gothic Fantasy series.
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Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales

This latest collection celebrates Hans Christian Andersen’s unique literary output and gathers together much-loved tales such as ‘The Little Mermaid’, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, ‘The Ugly Duckling’, ‘The Princess and the Pea’ and ‘The Snow Queen’.

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Haunted House Short Stories

Another dark tome of terror to follow in the footsteps of our wildly successful Gothic Fantasy deluxe edition short story compilations, including Supernatural HorrorMurder Mayhem and Lost Souls. Contains a potent mix of classic and brand new writing, with budding new authors from around the world.

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Heroes & Heroines Myths & Tales

This anthology gathers together the most iconic and entertaining tales of adventure and daring from around the world. From Perseus the Gorgon-Slayer of Greek mythology, and the exploits of Frithiof the Bold of Norse saga fame, to the tragic tale of Irish heroine Deirdre, these stories vibrate with the heart and soul of age-old narrative.

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Heroic Fantasy Short Stories

Somewhere between epic history, sword and sorcery and Tolkien-esque fantasy exists a thick vein of storytelling that would make Robert E Howard and H.G. Wells proud. We present a compilation of savage swordplay, and high magic, of daring deeds and gaudy battles, in a blazing mix of classic and brand new writing from terrific modern authors.
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Hidden Realms Short Stories

A new thematic collection of fantasy stories in the bestselling Gothic Fantasy series. Created by mixing open submissions from modern writers and classic literature, this new title explores the adventures of hidden places, secret gardens, and shadow lands in forests and mountains, in the swamps and the wild places of our world and beyond.

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Immigrant Sci-Fi Short Stories

Whether for reasons of economic choice, family, war, oppression or hope, this book examines displacement and relocation in future and fantastical settings, with the gaze of the incoming. Speculative stories by new and modern writers are placed alongside older immigrant narratives, providing an intriguing view of this theme.
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Irish Fairy Tales

In this book, Arthur Rackham’s distinctive artwork, along with illustrations by other artists from the turn of the twentieth century, accompany powerful tales of the early Celts and the later stories of an Ireland of mighty hearths, dreaming of battlefield glory, ancient gods and mystical isles.
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Japanese Myths & Tales

From the creation myth of Izanagi and Izanami designed to explain the origins of the island of Japan, to the hundreds of kami (gods or spirits) and monsters, Japanese legends tell the story of the land, the nation, the people and the divine heritage of the emperors of Japan. A new hardcover edition in the Flame Tree Epic Tales series.
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Learning to Be Human Short Stories

A fascinating, new collection of short stories from open submissions about machine learning, AI, Big Data and humankind struggling to find its identity now, in the past, and the future. Are we truly in control of ourselves, our society, and indeed the natural world around us? Are thinking machines the logical extension of our existence?

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Lost Atlantis Short Stories

Packed with intriguing stories from new submissions and ancient visionaries. Atlantis began with Plato but the idea of a perfect society lost to the world haunted the speculative mind for over 2000 years, with the tales of Francis Bacon, the Utopian explorations of Thomas More, Samuel Butler and in modern times, TV series and short stories galore.

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Lost Souls Short Stories

A collection of new tales with brilliant new writers and lost souls from the darkest corners of literature and legend: Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer mingles with Dante’s infernal spirits and a retold tale from Ovid's Metamorphoses. And with the dark fiction of William Hope Hodgson and Arthur Machen this promises to be a haunting, chilling read.

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Lost Worlds Short Stories

Following the great success of our Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, including Chilling Ghosts, Murder Mayhem and Crime & Mystery this latest title is packed with dark valleys, high mountain passes, dinosaurs and dark creations. Contains a fabulous mix of classic authors, and brand new writing from the fresh talent of today.
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Lovecraft Mythos New & Classic Collection

Expanded with new stories from modern authors, written specially for this collection. H.P. Lovecraft created an evolving universe of cosmic horror with the intention that others would develop it further. Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch and Ramsey Campbell were amongst those who did and their work also appears here.
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Lovecraft Short Stories

H.P. Lovecraft was the inventor of cosmic horror, of weird fiction and the Cthulhu mythology. His stories found purchase in the fertile earth of pulp fiction where he inspired many other writers from Robert E. Howard to Clark Ashton Smith. This is a companion volume to our hugely successful Gothic Fantasy series of classic and modern writers.
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M.R. James Ghost Stories

M.R. James' celebrated ghost stories resonate still. A towering presence in literature, TV and film, his work is much admired today. This new collection brings together many famous tales including: Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad; Canon Alberic’s Scrap-Book; The Mezzotint; The Fenstanton Witch; The Experiment; Wailing Well.

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Mary Shelley Horror Stories

Mary Shelley, whose Frankenstein is the foundation of modern SF, fantasy and horror fiction, was born to the writer William Godwin and social campaigner Mary Wollstonecraft. This new, special collection brings together extracts of her novels and short stories, with an emphasis on the supernatural.

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Moby Dick

American writer Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick in 1851 but it took decades before finally it was regarded as a great American novel, and worthy of its place amongst the greatest texts of humankind. This edition offers a specially written introduction to contextualise the book.

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Moon Falling Short Stories

Companion to Sun Rising Short Stories, this thrilling new book brings ancient and modern perceptions of the Moon, as it falls in surrender to the Sun. In some traditions, the moon chases its fiery sibling, in others, it's being chased, but for many it has a more intimate, supernatural connection, reflected in its gentle, shimmering light.
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Murder Mayhem Short Stories

Following the great success of the early Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction, this exciting title in the series is packed with hard-boiled detectives, monsters, psychopaths and a high body count, from classic authors and budding contemporary writers.

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Native American Myths & Tales

The varied myths and folktales of the countless North American native tribes, from the Iroquois to the Cherokee, share a reverence for Nature, trickster creator-deities, heroes, monsters, epic voyages and an affinity with animals. From ‘The First Fire’ to ‘The Legend of Hiawatha’, this collection brings together tales from all over the region.
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Norse Myths & Tales

Lively, stark and formidable, the imagery of Norse mythology storms through this classic collection. The fierce glory of Odin, Thor, Frey, Loki and their fellow gods of Asgard shines here, with all the great adventures, from Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, to Ragnarok. Each Viking legend is riven with a vitality that speaks to us still.
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One Thousand and One Arabian Nights

With the famous stories of Sinbad, ‘The Merchant and the Genie', ‘The Three Apples’ and hundreds more, this collection offers the storytelling genius of Scheherazade as she tells ever more ingenious stories, to save her life. Stories are selected from the original, medieval Thousand and One Nights and the many expanded tales from around the world.

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Paradise Lost & Other Poems

Milton's epic poem was a reflection of the political upheaval that led to the English Civil war. It tells of the expulsion from Eden and the war of Heaven that followed, exploring the fall of humanity and the rebellion of the fallen angels from the perspective of Satan and mortal kind. Also featuring Doré's classic illustrations and other poems.
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Persian Myths & Tales

The great works of Persia include some of the most beautiful, rich and diverse language in the literary world. The Shah Nameh, The Rubaiyat, The Divan and The Gulistan rival Dante's Divine Comedy, India's Mahabharata and Sumeria's Epic of Gilgamesh in their cultural impact, bringing to life the tales and myths of Ancient Persia.

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Pirates & Ghosts Short Stories

A powerful new addition to the bestselling Gothic Fantasy series of new writing and classic stories. With tales of pirates, deathly fogs and ferocious rocks, these dark tales of the haunted mind, trapped like ghosts at sea, are sure to entertain and enthrall.
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Quests & Journeys Myths & Tales

A powerful collection of tales from around the world, you'll find quests and journeys from Norse mythology, Japanese folklore, Maori wisdom, Greek legends and Polynesian gods, with tales of the underworld, great themes of loss, discovery and self-sacrifice, from the search for the Holy Grail, to Jason and the Argonauts.

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The Ramayana stands tall amongst the greatest works of literature and is a key part of the canon of both Hinduism and Buddhism. Telling the tale of Rama, his ascendency as an avatar of Vishnu and the journey to fight for the return of his beloved Sita, the Ramayana is a timeless classic. Griffith's evocative verse, abridged for the modern reader.
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Robert Louis Stevenson Collection

Universally known for his masterpiece The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson was a supreme storyteller of many dark and monstrous tales that tease at the duality of human nature. This gorgeous new collection gathers together The Body Snatcher, A Lodging for the Night, The Isle of Voices and many other chilling stories.

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Robots & Artificial Intelligence Short Stories

The promise and the threat of technology, of humankind replaced by its own mechanial creation has long enticed the SF and fantasy imagination. This fabulous mix of new and established writing brings together the top talents of today with the likes of Jerome K. Jerome, E.T.A. Hoffmann, L. Frank Baum and Ambrose Bierce.
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Science Fiction Short Stories

A deluxe edition of super-charged, original and classic short stories. With dystopia, post-apocalypse, time travel, robots and more, this brilliant collection brings together the best of today's writers with an eclectic range of SF masters including H. Rider Haggard, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Philip Frances Nowlan, Edward Page Mitchell and Jack London.

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Scottish Folk & Fairy Tales

From the clash of swords between knights and clan leaders to the exploits of brownies, bogles and the enchanting ‘fair folk’, this collection of tales captures the essence of Scotland’s ancient and vibrant mythic tradition – including tales and characters from a shared heritage with Ireland, alongside a variety of uniquely Scottish stories.
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Shadows on the Water Short Stories

The mysteries of the rivers, the secrets of the lochs, the whispers across the vast stretches of the ocean, there are so many stories from the beginnings of civilisation, through myth and folklore, to the dark fantasies and ghostly tales of the modern storyteller. An entertaining, chilling collection of supernatural tales.

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Sheridan Le Fanu Horror Stories

New collection of the master of early Victorian gothic, horror and ghost stories. Le Fanu's influence on a later generation of horror writers is clear, from vampire story ‘Carmilla’ informing fellow Irishman Bram Stoker's Dracula some 20 years later to the styling of many of M.R. James's finest work. A must-read selection of classic writing.
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Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

Inspiring a long line of detective stories and Whodunnits, Conan Doyle’s enigmatic anti-hero Sherlock Holmes is a constant feature on TV and movie screens, with new audio and radio shows joining the frenzy. The Holmes tales have earned their place amongst the most influential of popular fantasy, crime and gothic stories.
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Short Stories from the Age of Queen Victoria

An era marked by sweeping change, the age of Queen Victoria was a time of rapid modernization as well as social and political upheaval, which is reflected in its literature. Filled with captivating stories by some of the iconic writers of the era, this collection is a fitting companion to the other titles in our bestselling Gothic Fantasy series.

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Spirits & Ghouls Short Stories

This chilling new short story collection will scare the hairs on the back of your neck. New stories from open submissions, by both emerging and established writers, mingle with the spirits of an older age, stretching back from the Victorian obsessions of M.R. James, Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Amelia Edwards, to the tales of the Arabian nights.

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Strange Lands Short Stories

Packed with strange and distant places, from underground cities, undiscovered islands, ancient lands, hidden continents, civilisations on the moon and Mars, this new book brings together the tales of Washington Irving, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, with Homer, Samuel Butler and a generation of modern writers for a thrilling read of speculative fiction.
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Sun Rising Short Stories

With stories from modern writers and ancient tales of myth, the rising of the sun has fascinated cultures throughout the world since humankind first looked to the stars and wondered about the origins of the world around us. That fascination remains still powerful, as our eye extends across the universe and brings new stories from many new worlds.
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Supernatural Horror Short Stories

Another dark tome of terror to follow in the footsteps of our wildly successful Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, Ghosts, Horror, Science Fiction, Murder Mayhem and Crime & Mystery. Contains a fabulous mix of classic and brand new writing, with budding new authors from around the world.
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Swords & Steam Short Stories

Following the great success of the early Gothic Fantasy, deluxe edition short story compilations, Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction, this exciting title in the series is packed with swashbuckling, steam-punk and alt-history adventures, from classic authors and exciting budding contemporary writers.

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Tales of King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table

An essential collection of chivalric romance, swordplay, wizardry and brutal feats of courage Malory’s 15th century Morte d’Arthur is one of the world’s greatest pieces of myth-making. This selected edition features all the best stories and many of Aubrey Beardsley’s classic illustrations.

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Terrifying Ghosts Short Stories

A deluxe edition of terrifying tales, with new stories from modern writers, many published here for the first time, merged with an outstanding collection of classic writers including E.F. Benson, Ambrose Bierce, Henry James, M.R. James and Edith Wharton.
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The Decameron

The Decameron is a collection of stories within a story. Written in the 14th century by Italian author, poet and scholar Giovanni Boccaccio, it is a masterpiece of moral philosophy, and is generally viewed as the work that confirmed his reputation as the founder of Italian prose literature. It is also one of the world's great literary masterpieces.

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The Divine Comedy

Dante’s masterpiece of literature is well matched by the peerless art of Gustave Doré. Dante and his guides, Virgil and Beatrice, journey through the cantos in an allegory of the passage of the soul through the Afterlife, with the subtle engraving of Doré’s illustrations perfectly complementing the movement from darkness through to light.
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The Odyssey & The Iliad Complete

The Iliad and the Odyssey combined into one volume. The latest title in Flame Tree's beautiful, comprehensive series of Gothic Fantasy titles concentrates on the ancient, epic origins of modern fantasy.
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

This beautiful new edition collects together the best of L. Frank Baum’s Oz works, taking material from the very first 1900 publication of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and subsequent novels including Ozma of Oz, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz and The Lost Princess of Oz.

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Time Travel Short Stories

From H.G.Wells, Jules Verne and Edward Page Mitchell stories of travelling back and forth in time have brought us ancient and future civilisations, terrifying visions and cautionary tales. Our successful Gothic and Fantasy deluxe edition short story series brings you a constellation of classic and new writing with authors from around the world.

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Titans & Giants Myths & Tales

Titans and giants thread through all the mythologies of the world and capture the imagination still today. In this fabulous new collection you'll find the gigantic creatures of the Greeks, the Titans themselves, the Jötnar giants of the Norse, the Oni ogres of Japan and many more gods, monsters and giants from the Africa, China, the Celts and more.
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Urban Crime Short Stories

Our latest collection features gritty murders on the streets of London and Paris, horrors in dark alleys, as well as many more scenes from urban crime that elicit a dark curiosity. Classic authors such as Edgar Wallace and E.W. Hornung are cast with previously unpublished stories by exciting budding contemporary crime writers.

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Viking Folk & Fairy Tales

Harald the Viking, The Dwarf-Sword Tirfing, The Princess and the Glass Mountain, The Seven Foals and The Tinderbox are just some of the Nordic and Scandinavian fairy tales that combine the magic of the natural world and with the common sense of the everyday where good folk are rewarded for their hard work, the honest and the faithful are valued.
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Weird Horror Short Stories

New stories from submissions and classic tales from Algernon Blackwood, H.P. Lovecraft, M.R. James combine to create a brooding new addition to the powerful Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy collector's series.
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Were Wolf Short Stories

There's more to being a wolf than howling at the moon! This Gothic Fantasy volume blends modern werewolf tales with medieval folklore and mythology. Explore Old English origins, Norse legends like Fenrir, and Slavic myths of stolen wolf-skins. A stunning new book with tales of humans, wolves, power, identity, horror, and romance.
Available from 20 May 2025

William Hope Hodgson Horror Stories

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