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Trade & Catalogues

This page is intended for our Trade customers only. Please download our recent catalogues.

UK and export customers: The order form can be downloaded, filled in and returned to us at See below on how to place a Trade order.

US Customers: Our distributor is Simon and Schuster. Order details are here.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have an account, ordering or general queries.

Flame Tree Publishing Book Catalogue

NEW 2024-25 Gift Catalogue

Luxury Journals, Notebooks, Sketch Books, Greeting Cards, Jigsaw Puzzles, Bookmarks

Flame Tree Publishing Book Catalogue

NEW 2024-25 Book Catalogue

New fiction, anthologies, Collectable Classics, Myths, legends, folklore and Epic Tales, Art, Music and Lifestyle)

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Flame Tree Publishing Book Catalogue

NEW 2026 Flame Tree Calendars & Diaries Catalogues

The Flame Tree collection of gorgeous, powerful Art Calendars, Diaries and Year Planners.

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Flame Tree Publishing Book Catalogue

2026 Andrews McMeel, Amber Lotus, Universe and Abrams Calendars.

Andrews McMeel, Amber Lotus, Rizzoli Universe, Abrams Calendars distributed by Flame Tree. Key titles include Dolly Parton, Kinkade Disney, Bob Ross, Peanuts, Dilbert and Garfield.

Flame Tree Publishing Book Catalogue

New Fiction Focus Catalogue

New fiction and backlist from Flame Tree Press and Beyond and Within short fiction, covering Gothic & Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Crime & Mystery.


How to place your Trade order

Opening An Account

If you are not already an approved trade customer of Flame Tree Publishing or HACHETTE UK DISTRIBUTION then you will need to complete the NEW ACCOUNT OPENING FORM. Please click on the bold red text to complete the form.

Placing your trade order

Using the order form links next to the selected catalogue download and complete either the PDF or Excel spreadsheet. (The PDF can be scanned and sent to us with your requirements, The spreadsheet has automatic calculations based on discount, but we’re happy to complete the details when we receive the email).

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have an account, ordering or general queries.