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Tarot Card Box
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Ancient Egyptian Tarot Card Pack
Featuring new illustrations that recreate the Tarot cards of occultists Robert Falconnier and Comte C. de Saint-German. Originally published between 1896 and 1906 during a time when occultism and Egyptian lore were intertwined, these cards will help you gain perspective on difficult situations and understand relationships with yourself and others.
Series: Tarot Card Box
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Tarot Card Pack
The Art of Fine Gifts: The tarot cards in this pack are adapted from a Tarot of Marseille deck by Nicolas Conver that dates to 1760. The Major and Minor Arcana cards are accompanied by an informative booklet, which gives a history of tarot, information on each card and a step-by-step guide to get started with a tarot reading.
Series: Tarot Card Box
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